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Sinning willfully & God’s forgiveness

On March 18, 2017, The Sun newspaper published an interview TheEntertainer had with one of the actresses on the use of sex toys. Asked whether she uses such abnormal sex devices, she confessed, “I have, but I don’t use them often and that is because I’m not really a sex-sex kind of person and my boyfriend is really satisfying me. God, please forgive me. I know it is a sin.”

I appreciate the lady for owning up to what many other ladies might not have done. If she had denied the use of sex toys, nobody could have done her anything. We live in a world, where some people are economical with the truth, even when caught pants down. Such people do not see anything wrong in telling lies. To them, it is nothing but a display of wisdom and liars are seen as smart guys. Some people tell lies even where it is not necessary. I recall easily the case of a man, who was out of job for a year and he did not tell his wife. He would dress up every morning, pretending to be going to work. When I was brought into the picture, I froze and. counselled him to inform his wife immediately, pointing out the implication of his conduct.

I also appreciate the actress for her confession that the use of sex toys is sinful. It is not everybody that can make that bold confession. Many people believe that the end always justifies the means and therefore develop tough skin in whatever thing they do. It takes raw courage for a person to admit that what she does is wrong. I have heard a lady vowing that she would drop her Bible and settle a score with someone and after satisfying her wanton desire, she would pick it up. The reason why she would drop her Bible before assaulting and insulting the person, who had provoked her, was because of her consciousness that what she was going to do was sinful before God. That was a fair judgment she had given to herself. Her error was her wrong idea that God would sit down at a corner and wait for her until she had satisfied her ego and then He would receive her back into His fold. She never considered her fate, should death visit her during that period. This conception betrayed her ignorance of Who God is and her action is an insult to His Person.

It is painful to note that after the actress had been convinced that the use of sex toys is sinful, she still uses them. That she uses them sparingly does not really matter. The number of times someone commits murder does not matter to God. What counts is that she is a murderer. A thief is a thief, whether he steals 20 goats or only one goat. It would have been a different ball game had she said that she was using the toys until she realized that they were sinful. She would have joined those of us, who lived deeply in sin until we surrendered our lives to Jesus and today, we are enjoying His promise: ‘I will remember your sins no more’ – Ez. 18:4.

It is interesting to note that as she uses the sex toys, the actress prays to God for forgiveness. Let us imagine a situation, where Miss A offended her friend, Miss B, beyond measure. Miss B, a virgin, was suffering from malaria and her friend, Miss A, gossiped to a young man planning to marry her, that Miss A’s boss in the office, impregnated her, and that her claim of suffering from malaria was not true, but a case of aborting the pregnancy. Then Miss A loads her gun in search of Miss B. The Spirit of God convicts her that what she was going to do was a grievous sin and she ignores the warning. She bows down curiously before God, pleading for His forgiveness for her intended action before blowing off the lady’s head. Does that prayer make any sense? Does God answer such prayers? This is absolutely a mockery of prayers. I do not know if Mr. X will accept a request made by Mr. Y, no matter the fervency of the request, for him not to be angry for Mr. Y to slap Mr. X’s mother?

The context in this matter is between our will and God’s Will in the things we do. The Lord Jesus said that He came [into the world] not to do His Will but the Will of His Father. Many people force their will on God. A child of God does not behave in this manner. No matter how she cherishes something, she should find out if it is God’s Will for her to do it. If it is not, she lets it go. Teaching His disciples how to pray, the Lord Jesus prayed, ‘Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’. The Will of God is supreme for a child of God.

Sex is God’s gift to a couple. It is a ‘no-go area’ for singles. Apostle Paul in his Second Epistle to the Corinthian Church demonstrated this in the first five verses of chapter 7, that it is for the married. Any form of sex and by whatever name it is called, outside marriage, is sinful. It does not matter whether the sex partner is a human being, an animal or a toy. Sex is sex. The urge, no doubt, starts to manifest from puberty, it is under the control of a child of God. This is why a human being differs from an animal. A goat, because it is a goat, will eat any piece of yam it sees, without bothering to know if it is right to do so. It is not so with human beings. A woman will ask herself whether it is right for her to eat the yam. If it is hers, she may not even eat it when she is fasting. A thief, like a goat, may not bother to know who owns the yam before eating it. Thank God that we are not all thieves.

In the same way, a child of God may deny herself some pleasure, which will include all forms of sexual activity outside wedlock. Other people may find it pleasurable to do so, but she will not. God honours people who honour Him.

The devil is very wicked. People, who indulge in all forms of unclean sex behaviour, justify their conduct on the weak plank that what they do is better than committing fornication or adultery. Their error is that they do not know that God does not rationalize sin. Lying to Him is as serious as the sin of murder. ‘The soul that sinneth, it shall die’ – Ez. 18:4. The way out is to live by God’s standard and not by the standard of any man or church. Some of the people, who practise sinful deeds do so with pride on the lame excuse that their pastor does not see anything wrong in what they do, as if their pastor is God. What answer do they expect if their pastor is also a victim of the same unclean habit?  ‘There is way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death,’ Prov. 14:12.

For further comment, Please contact: Osondu Anyalechi:  0802 3002-471; anyalechiosondu@yahoo.com


from The Sun News http://ift.tt/2nJvr4G

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