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Chronic or Half Treated Malaria

Dear doctor,
I’m having severe cold with pain all over my body, particularly the waist, hip bone, knees, sternum, including my ribs. At times, it’s in my lungs. In addition, I have a sour taste in my mouth with headache from the back and eye aches. I sweat a lot, especially when I sleep, waking up with the whole bed drenched, as well as my pajamas. My appetite could be better.
I am 63 years of age. I’ve just recently treated malaria with the recommended combination. I do not have an idea why I am so unwell. I am miserable and don’t know what to do.
– Shamsideen Saleh, Sokoto

Dear Shamsideen,
The commonest cause of your symptoms in this clime is half-treated malaria. I use Piperaquine or Amodiaquine and Artemisinine to treat malaria instead of the combination you mentioned, which I have discovered is associated with plenty of cases, like yours, where malaria gets only half-treated and thus returns within a fortnight or so.
I think you have chronic malaria with some amount of enteric fever (salmonellosis) into the bargain. You could also have some amount of Elderly Pneumonia. Malaria’s symptoms can become very much milder than the usual high fever, especially with patients in highly endemic areas, like Nigeria, especially with the older generation who have had a long time since birth to develop their immunity. The body pains, especially pains in the joints also can make the care-giver think of arthritis.
A safe rule is to treat every arthritis sufferer first for malaria and to check them all over to rule out elderly pneumonia whose presentation, also, can be much milder than classical. You should see a good doctor who would order tests, like the Widal test for you to confirm or deny the suspicion of salmonellosis or typhoid and get treated with the relevant antibiotics. There are also wonderful natural cures and remedies for both typhoid and malaria (together) which you can use and both your malaria and typhoid will disappear. Just call the help-lines

Spiritually inflicted disease entity
Dear Dr., My mom needs help. What she has been complaining of for about one year now is weakness and dizziness. We took her from home to come to Lagos so that she can be properly assessed and taken care of. She has done all major and minor tests and has been seen by the very best medical experts in all kinds of fields, yet she is still complaining of these same symptoms. What do you think is the matter with her and how can we cure her? One of my cousins thinks it is spiritual. What do you think?
– Jamil Taraba, Yola

Spiritually Inflicted Disease Entity
Dear Doc,
My mum needs help. What she has been complaining of for about one year now is weakness and dizziness. We took her from home to Lagos so that she can be properly assessed and taken care of. She has done all major and minor tests and has been seen by the very best medical experts in all kinds of fields, yet she is still complaining of these same symptoms.
What do you think is the matter with her and how can we cure her? One of my cousins thinks it is spiritual. What do you think?
– Jamil Taraba, Yola.

Dear Jamil,
When the kind of complaints you have enunciated is the challenge, I have nothing better to say than to quote wholesale a question and answer piece from my archives of this column also accessible from the website http://ift.tt/2rjbBge and which follows below:

Heart cry over staphylococcus
Dear Doctor,
I have for years been diagnosed as having a scanty growth of Staphylococcus aureus. I have equally received several treatment from several hospitals to no avail or so I think. Some doctors have also told me to ignore the test result and remove my mind from it, as it was not a problem per se. However, I have been married for over five years now without a child and in the circumstance I am forced to think of all possible reasons so that solutions can be sought. Some of my lab investigations have shown a high percentage of inactive/dead semen in motility checks – 15% active, 65% sluggish, 20% dead, with a count of 48 x10 to power6 cells/cm(3) to power 3! My SFA yielded no bacterial growth after 24hrs incubation @37degrees centigrade. But a swab culture yielded a scanty growth of staphylococcus spp? After 48 hours incubation at 37degrees!
I am currently receiving treatment. I have paid heavily for all sorts of tests- cytoclines screening (historone, TNF-alpha, IL2, IL6, IL8, Thyroglobin); Fructase, acid phosphate, alkaline phosphate; Testosterone, Inhibin B, Prolactin, FSH, LH,; Sperm AB, IgA, IgM,; PSA, ANA, ACA, CRP, etc. Most of the results show normal ranges.
After reading your response on Staph and HIV/AIDS in The Sun in February 2015, I decided to write and ask for your opinion/advice on the above matter. Has Staph anything to do with my present childless condition? I will appreciate if you can assist me get out of this problem and enjoy my married life with children of my own.
– Demola R. Faramade (DRF), Ogun.

Dear DRF,
Please Stop! Please stop all those tests and running around to no avail and listen. Listen really carefully– Very likely, you are faced with what I call a Peculiar Disease (PEDI) or a Spiritually Inflicted Disease Entity (SIDES). Proof? All the most highfalutin tests medicaments and doctors in the whole world and yet – ALL TO NO AVAIL! What to do? Simple. See a doctor/physician or practitioner, like me who understands that “God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living mind or soul” (Genesis 2.7). Man is not body alone!!! Man is a spirit; resident in a body and equipped with a mind – body, mind and spirit and problems can come from any of the three areas!!! You are looking for solutions where there are none. The problem is beyond your body. Maybe in your mind or mental space. Or more likely, spiritually inflicted.
How to tackle SIDES? Prayer. Fervent prayer – and more. I do not apologise for this. I even said it in the write-up you refer to – that of last week – that there are mysterious, strange and solution-defying problems that can only be solved by God’s intervention. But then – if all you’ll do is prayer – why are you a doctor, you may ask?
No Sir!! You must approach such problems from all three angles –  at the same time!! Use your drugs. Please use your drugs; treat the staph or whatever the label it is given. You see the real name of what you face is childlessness; simple. Childlessness masquerading behind a perpetual diagnosis of staph. By all means, get as much medical help as you have the opportunity to. Do not be a fool. But pray and use your mind also. For an instance of using your mind: why will you still be childless even after all the staph has disappeared and your sperm count is okay with the motility? Yes, Staph in the prostate (SFA) or Expressed Prostatic Secretion (EPS) will destroy sperm cells causing low or no sperm count, but your semen is now free. The swab culture is a contaminant. Learn all you need to about the condition facing you so you can tackle it successfully. For example, if staph is your worry, send now to staphdocotor@yahoo.com for free details of what to do.

We routinely do this for people and have the great satisfaction that we do solve such problems – cancer, HIV/AIDS, drug addiction, arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, infertility, staphylococcus or other such unspeakable distresses like the ones you face.


from The Sun News http://ift.tt/2sCuhLQ

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