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Trump fires White House spokesman after 11 days in office

United States President, President Donald Trump, on Monday, removed Anthony Scaramucci as the White House communications director, just 11 days after he assumed the role.

Scaramucci was leaving because he “felt it was best to give Chief of Staff John Kelly a clean slate and the ability to build his own team,” said a statement from White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Sanders said in a press conference Monday afternoon that Trump believes that Scaramucci’s off-color remarks to a New Yorker interview were “inappropriate.”

In the interview with the New Yorker magazine last week, Scaramucci attacked then-White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon in profanity-laden terms.

Sanders said Kelly will have “full authority to carry out businesses he sees fit” to bring “new structure, discipline and strength to the White House,” adding that Scaramucci “does not have a role at this time in the Trump administration.”

On July 21, Scaramucci, the former Wall Street financier who lacked a traditional communications background, was named White House communications director, a move that promoted the resignation of Sean Spicer, the former press secretary, and Reince Priebus, Kelly’s predecessor.

“If we have a little bit of friction inside the White House as a result of that, it’s OK. We can all live with that. I’m a businessperson. I’m used to dealing with friction,” Scaramucci said after Spicer resigned.

Scaramucci’s removal took place on the first day of work for Trump’s new chief of staff, retired Marine Corps General John Kelly.

But Trump refused to admit a chaotic scene by tweeting “NO WH chaos!”, only hours before the announcement about Scaramucci.

Scaramucci was a critical fundraiser who helped Trump defeat Hillary Clinton in last year’s election.

Scaramucci joined the White House directly from a job on Wall Street, where he is well-known as a hedge fund manager. (XinhuaNet)

from The Sun News http://ift.tt/2hjqPkM

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