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God i wish that were me (2 reasons to stop worrying)

 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Matthew 11:28)

Reading through this passage, many will exclaim

“God i wish that were me”

. Anyway, it is time to leave the wishful position to actually being you.

It’s time to leave anxiety behind.

God’s Word tells us that instead of being anxious, we should bring our requests to Him by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving.

Pass your burdens, worries, and anxieties to Him.

Whatever you’re worried about, God already has a solution.

In fact, He already knows what we’re worried about, without us even having to tell Him.

But if that’s the case, why does He still ask us to present our requests to Him?

Well the truth is, this instruction is there for our benefit. For when we tell Him our requests, it’s like taking a load off our chest. We don’t actually need to verbally say our requests in order for God to answer our prayers, but it definitely helps in reliving our anxieties.

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